Inspiring Words from our Solicitor Joel Murgha
State of Victoria's Aboriginal and Cultural Heritage Report 2016-2021
Growing Economic Opportunity from Traditional Knowledge
The Copyright Sale of the Aboriginal Flag: What Does that Mean for the Future?
Merry Christmas from TJC!
Supporting Aboriginal businesses in the bushfood industry
Celebrating Finalists Anika Valenti and Elizabeth Mason
Thank you, Dr B Marika AO
Bushfires, climate change & Indigenous ecological knowledge: a new perspective for a changing world
Meet our new team members
Terri’s new book 'True Tracks' released!
Join our Indigenous Legal Intern Program!
Career Opportunity: Are you a lawyer who is ready to join our team?
Terri is a finalist for the Indigenous Businesswoman of the Year award!
Certified at last!
Strong Brand, Strong Culture: The importance of Trade Marks for Indigenous business
Welcome Clara, Juanita and Sam!
Taking Care of Culture in Victoria: We want to hear from you!
Anika Valenti our Senior Solicitor working to help Indigenous bushfood businesses
Terri Janke - Awarded the JG Crawford Prize for her PhD True Tracks