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Commercial Law:

  • ASIC Compliance

  • Government and IPP Opportunities

  • Leases

  • Drafting contracts

  • Legal training

  • Business establishment and transfer

  • Employment

  • Commercial Agreements and legal structures

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Intellectual Property:
  • Trade Marks

  • IP Management Plans

  • Advice on infringement

  • Copyright

  • Permission and Release Forms

  • Policy Drafting

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  • Indigenous heritage 

  • Research Agreements

  • Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expression  

  • Cultural Protocols  

  • Access and Benefit Sharing

  • Community Engagement and Consultation

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Governance & Mediation: 
  • Constitution Drafting & Review

  • Conflict of Interest

  • Resolving Indigenous Employment and Contractor Issues

  • Drafting Governance Documents

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Mediation

Workshops & Public Speaking: 
Consulting & Other:
  • Cultural training

  • Corporate governance training

  • Cultural heritage consulting

  • Community engagement and consultation

  • Research and submissions to government inquiries

  • Drafting of policy

  • Legal work for major events and creative projects

  • Writing of resources and booklets

Terri Janke and team 2015 www.jamesphoto
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