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New Indigenous control rules for Indigenous Joint Venture Companies



Joint ventures (JVs) are a common feature in the Indigenous business sector. A joint venture refers to a collaboration between two businesses for strategic or commercial purposes. 100% owned Indigenous businesses looking to bid for contracts under the Commonwealth Government’s Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP) may lack capacity to carry out large projects. Many are forming JV companies with larger non-Indigenous businesses, in order to reach scale, build skills and experience. However, an increasing issue is the rising number of disputes between parties of Indigenous JV companies. A key concern has been the Indigenous party’s lack of control of the JV company.

In order to address this, from 1 January 2019, incorporated Indigenous joint ventures must register with Supply Nation. As part of this process, applicant businesses must:

  • Be at least 50% Indigenous owned, and demonstrate 50% Indigenous involvement in the management and control of the joint venture;

  • Have in place a strategy to build the capability of the Indigenous business partner; and

  • Have an Indigenous workforce plan in place.

Any joint ventures that wish to register must first go through a ‘verification interview’, and then be reviewed annually to confirm that they are operating in line with the plans submitted to, and discussed with, Supply Nation.

These changes have emerged as part of Indigenous Affairs Minister Scullion’s ‘Zero-Tolerance’ approach to ‘black-cladding’. ‘Black-cladding’ is a term used to describe conduct where a non-Indigenous business enters into superficial arrangements with an Indigenous party in order to qualify as ‘Indigenous’ for the purposes of winning government contracts under Indigenous procurement policies.

Further, these changes are aimed at providing stronger requirements to make sure that more of the money spent by agencies under the policy actually contribute towards employment and socio-economic outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities as intended, and that more benefits flow to the Indigenous sector.

What does this mean for Indigenous businesses?

These changes will apply to all incorporated Indigenous joint ventures who are seeking to win Commonwealth contracts under the IPP, being either newly formed joint ventures or existing joint ventures already registered with Supply Nation. These changes will implement more stringent requirements to be achieved before incorporated Indigenous joint ventures are eligible to compete for Commonwealth contracts under the IPP.

There will be a grace period for non-compliant joint ventures that were registered with Supply Nation under the older rules until July 2019 to meet the new requirements, but agencies will be able to cancel any contracts with joint ventures that are not compliant by the deadline. Transition arrangements may be available for Indigenous joint ventures registered on the Supply Nation directory who require additional time to negotiate the changes. If your business is an Indigenous joint venture, you should contact Supply Nation to commence the registration process.

Governance documentation is required

It is important for Indigenous JV companies to have strong constitutions and shareholder’s deeds that establish decision making processes, delegation and authority structures to enable Indigenous management and control. These governance documents are important to align the company’s vision and to develop a strong awareness and understanding of rights and responsibilities that come with their roles in the JV company. Strong foundation documents can also prevent disputes. Most importantly, Indigenous joint ventures wanting to be registered with Supply Nation will be required to have a constitution which essentially sets out how the company will meet the control and management test in its governance.

How can we help?

Terri Janke and Company have assisted many Indigenous businesses in the formation of JV arrangements. We can help you by:

  • Providing advice on due diligence – the questions to consider when entering JVs

  • Providing advice/assist on set up

  • Drafting foundation documents: values statements; Shareholder’s agreements, constitutions

  • Advising companies regarding their continued compliance and status

  • Advising on disputes and provide mediation

For further information regarding the changes to IPP joint venture registration, visit the supply nation FAQs



© 2025, Terri Janke and Company

All professional photography by Jamie James at James Photographic Services and Stephen Wilson Barker.​

The painting 'Terri - Butterfly Flowers Dreaming' by Bibi Barba has been used under license in the firm photographs, including for staff profiles.

The painting  'Ancient Tracks and Waterholes' (2019) by Rene Kulitja has been used under license in some firm photographs on the TJC website homepage, staff profiles, careers and services pages. Visit Maruku Arts for more work by Rene Kulitja.

The visual artwork ‘Freshwater Lagoon 1’ by Lisa Michl Ko-manggen has been used under license in some photographs and videos. Visit Cape York Art for more work by Ko-manggen.

The painting ‘My Country’ by Bibi Barba has been used under license in some photographs and Law Way videos. Visit Bibi's website.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

​Disclaimer: The information found on our Website and Blog is of a general nature and is not intended to be legal advice on specific matters. Although we attempt to provide accurate and timely information, we do not guarantee that the information in this article is accurate at the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. Contact us for advice on a specific matter.


Terri Janke and Company acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live and work.
We acknowledge the Bidjigal People, the custodians of the Country where our office is located.

We extend our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout Australia. We recognise their ongoing connection to land, sea and skies. We pay our respects to their knowledge, and to the Elders past and present.

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