Andrew Pitt
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Andrew joined Terri Janke and Company in April 2000 and has been implementing firm growth strategies for more than two decades. Andrew is responsible for human resources, staff intake and induction, operations training, ITC, marketing, suppliers and finance. He leads the TJC policy team and TJC’s annual ISO 9001 Quality Management Certification.
Photo by Stephen Wilson Barker
Andrew trained as a Landscape Architect at the University of NSW and has worked in a variety of industries including: construction, manufacturing, retail and distribution. From 1991 to 2015 Andrew was a licensee for World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) with a product that featured endangered wildlife and reported on species vulnerability. He has experience in property acquisitions, development and management. In 2023 Andrew managed the firm relocation to Mascot Station and the office fit-out.
Andrew’s governance experience includes positions as a director (chair and executive) of private companies, body corporates and incorporated associations. He is a member of ALPMA (Australasian Legal Practice Management Association) and TEC (The Executive Connection).
Andrew’s understanding of Indigenous culture comes from his relationship with Terri and their two adult children. He was schooled at Sydney Boys High School, enjoys pilates, SBS films and surfing mad barrels. His community work includes acting as Public Officer for a boardriders’ club, attending working bees with a coastal heathland group, and being a commitee member of a south coast bushcare group.